世田谷区委員会 委員( 総務委員会前副委員長 ) 斉藤 和樹

名前 斉藤 和樹
JC肩書き 世田谷区委員会 委員( 総務委員会前副委員長 )
紹介文 "I was born and raised in Setagaya, Tokyo, and have worked within the child education sector for last 20years. To be honest, I was a bit mischievous when I was a teenager but, with a bit of tough love from my parents and teachers, I am growing up to be a respectable gentleman and an upstanding member of the community. I still remember how the community of Tokyo helped me and encouraged me. Much of what I stumbled onto by following my curiosity, turned out to be priceless later on. I learned the importance of having a good education and learning new skills. I am really grateful for what I have got, now I am repaying the favour. I hope that by sharing my enthusiasm for English environment and learning with the children at KIS, I can inspire people through JCI activities to one day go out into the world and find their own amazing and life changing experiences. I am sure having another language can really contribute to their futures and will open so many doors of opportunity for them."
所属組織 Kitty International School(KIS)(URL
所属組織肩書き President & CEO
JC入会年度 2018年
